KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
“Flash isn’t a fad, it’s an art; and while I hope people can have fun with it, its pursuit should still be taken seriously.”
— Tara L. Masih, editor of Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction

Contents: Issue 9: Spring 2018

KF-9 Featured Artists

Fiction Flash
(501–1,000 words)
(up to 500 words)
Faction About Issue 9 Bio Notes CNF, Essays, Etc. Humor Review(s) Visual Arts VizArts ↣ Ekphrasis Poetry & Hybrids Haibun (Prose + Haiku) Poems, Lineated Prose Poems Tanka Forms

Content Warning: KYSO Flash contains a diverse range of literary and artistic works, some of which are suitable only for mature adults. However, an “[R]” after titles below simply indicates reprinted works (or, more accurately of course, republished works, since this is an online publication).

All works published in this journal are copyrighted by their respective authors and artists, and may NOT be reproduced without written permission from individual copyright holders. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Works by an individual may appear under multiple genres below. For a complete, at-a-glance list of works by each person, see Index of Contributors.

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About Issue 9
Clare MacQueen Introduction: Our Fifth Year!
Statistics [for all issues; also includes VIDA data]
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CNF, Essays, Etc.
Cherie Hunter Day A Rough Translation of Morning [lyric memoir]
Melanie Dunbar Apology to the Homeless Man in Downtown Indianapolis [CNF]
Biography of a Rooster [CNF]
Whitney Egstad Foxes [lyric memoir] [R]
Dan Gilmore The Joy of Being Lost [lyric memoir]
Lynn Mundell The Phone Call [CNF]
John Olson Please, Somebody Help Me [lyric/craft essay] [R]
John Olson [Five Commentaries on Imminent Doom] [R]:
1. From “The Thing With Feathers”
2. From “Roots”
3. From “Atoms Contemplating Atoms”
4. The Most Profound Philosophy of All Time
5. From “Out of Control”
Kimmo Rosenthal Mon Ami Pierrot [ekphrastic CNF]
Ashley Shelby Toward a New Climate Change Genre: First Impact Fiction (The Apocalypse Is Now) [essay] [R]


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Featured Artists

Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. All works in KYSO Flash are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Mary Hatch [Artworks may be accessed thru links below for Elizabeth Kerlikowske’s ekphrastic works.]
Beach Dreams [R]
Dancing Class [R]
Gentle Days [R]
Phantoms [R]
Shades of Grey [R]
The Back Office [R]
Elizabeth Kerlikowske Ekphrastic Works (after Mary Hatch’s art):
Coping [prose poem, after Dancing Class]
Gentle Days [micro-fiction, after Gentle Days]
Mandatory Dance Lessons [micro-fiction, after Beach Dreams]
Phantoms [prose poem, after Phantoms] [R]
Shades of Gray: Waiting Room, Calumet [prose poem, after Shades of Grey]
The Back Office [micro-fiction, after The Back Office]


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Fiction, Flash (500–1,000 words)
Roberta Beary The American Cousin
Carrie Close Leprechaun
Kika Dorsey A Stained Canvas
Tim Hawkins Things Have Dropped From Me
Arthur Klepchukov bleedin’ peach
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Fiction, Micro (up to 500 words)
Roberta Beary Cinderella Uncensored
Peter Fiore Wildflowers
Julie Gard Take It Back
Elizabeth Kerlikowske See Featured Artists
Kathleen McGookey You Can Find Joy in Doing Laundry
Lynn Mundell The End Smells Like Gasoline
Alexis Rhone Fancher Thin-Skinned [R]
Ashley Shelby Climate Impact Triptych:
The Recently Released Carbon Felon’s Guide to Job Fairs
The PCA Card
Francine Witte 1849 [R]


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Haibun (Prose + Haiku)
Roberta Beary Verisimilitude [haibun story]
Roy Beckemeyer Peru
Dr. Tim Gardiner Trigger’s Broom
Bill Gottlieb No-Count
Peter Jastermsky Menu
Ryan Jessup My Disney World
Sonja Johanson I Remember
Specimen [ekphrastic]
Alexis Rotella Welcome to Belfast [haibun story]
[See also Rotella’s haiga in Five Artworks]
Kathryn J. Stevens Timestamp
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Roberta Beary Doggie Style [micro-fiction]
Dan Gilmore Bilocation [micro-fiction]
Ginsberg’s Last Soup [memoir + author’s commentary]
Bob Lucky From The Chronicles of Homo Hapless [prose poem]
Some Answers May Be Used More Than Once: A Carriwitchet Quiz
Larry Silberfein Pre-Postmortem [CNF]
Untitled [CNF]
John L. Stanizzi Freshman English [micro-fiction]
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Poems, Lineated
Roy Beckemeyer Annunciation Angel [ekphrastic] [R]
[Cinquain] [R]
Jack Cooper Artifact [R]
Jesus at the Chevron [R]
The Whole Truth
William Cullen, Jr. At the Old Wall
Veteran’s Day in a Civil War Cemetery
Darren C. Demaree Emily as a Wing Beat
Kika Dorsey A Bone in My Body
Dan Gilmore Shedding
Sonja Johanson Elisa Weaving Nettle for the Swans
Richard Jones The Philosopher’s Banquet [cento sonnet]
L. S. Klatt The Estrangement [R]
Lloyd Merriam Wrenched [+ poet’s commentary]
Miho Nonaka Beetle Child [R]
Distance [R]
Alexis Rhone Fancher You’ve Got a Friend in Jesus (The Cross) [R]
Kevin Ridgeway Ghetto Star Gazing
Catherine Rockwood She comes safely over
John L. Stanizzi Fred and Louise’s Old Place
The Barber


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Prose Poems
Nin Andrews The Making of a Collector
Roy Beckemeyer Revolving Toward That End
With Apologies to Walt
Words for Snow
Melanie Dunbar Diagnosis
River Gift
Why Did She Need the Map?
Linda Nemec Foster Tea in Istanbul
Jeff Friedman Forgiveness
Ian Ganassi “Shit and Molasses”
The Golf Specialist [ekphrastic]
Julie Gard Morbidity and Travel
Dan Gilmore Lady Day: July 1959
Sonja Johanson Platelets [R]
Elizabeth Kerlikowske Late Spring [prose poem]
[See also Featured Artists for ekphrastic works by Kerlikowske.]
Kathleen McGookey Postcard from Brussels
Postcard from Downtown Frankfurt
Postcard from the Loire Valley
Amy Newday nor birds nor lightning
Taking Down the Pasture Fence
That Year
Lynn Pattison Desert Isle Motel 1975
I planted it under a giant cypress [R]
Three Excerpts From The Meaning of Flowers:


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Bill Mohr Enter Here by Alexis Rhone Fancher [full-length collection of erotic poetry] [R]


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Tanka Forms
Claire Everett Orbits [ekphrastic tanka tale]
Uncoupling [ekphrastic tanka tale]
Urszula Funnell Cooking Lessons [tanka tale]
#smileyfacelol [tanka tale]
Ellaraine Lockie (Montana twilight) [ekphrastic tanka]
Kathryn J. Stevens In Such Unstable Times as These... [tanka tale]
Charles D. Tarlton Andrew Wyeth’s Wind from the Sea (1947) [ekphrastic tanka prose]
The Miletus Torso [ekphrastic tanka prose]


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Visual Arts

Please do not copy images and/or image URLs from this website without written permission from the copyright holders. All works in KYSO Flash are copyrighted by their respective artists and authors. Thank you for respecting copyrights.

Alexis Rotella Five Artworks [R]:
Flower Doll [“wire” digital art]
Hooper’s Island [digital painting]
Iris Moves Into an Airstream [digital art]
Resurrection [digital painting]
Solstice [haiga]
Cindy L. Sheppard [Copper and Calcite] [photographs, Canyonlands and Carlsbad Caverns]:
Calcite formations
Cavern ceiling
Cavern interior
Cavern pool
Vein of copper


An “[R]” after titles indicates reprinted works.

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Visual Arts Appearing in KF-9 Ekphrastic Works
Mary Hatch See Featured Artists above
Vasily Kandinsky Einige Kreise (Several Circles) [painting];
see Orbits by Claire Everett
Michelangelo Atlas Slave [sculpture];
see The Miletus Torso by Charles D. Tarlton
Jakub Schikaneder The Sad Way [painting];
see Uncoupling by Claire Everett
Unknown The Miletus Torso [sculpture];
see The Miletus Torso by Charles D. Tarlton
Vincent van Gogh Figures in a Park [pencil sketch];
see Specimen by Sonja Johanson
Antoine Watteau Pierrot [painting];
see Mon Ami Pierrot by Kimmo Rosenthal

An “[R]” after titles in the Table of Contents indicates reprinted works; or, more accurately of course, republished works, since this issue is an online publication.

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