KYSO Flash ™
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
No Room to Rageby Jack CooperWell, if Armageddon is on, I suppose one should be there.* The year 2011 was born not a naked child but a fully armored reptile wiggly alert forced to face the specter of 2012 with its predicted pandemonium arriving ahead of schedule The world was already overcrowded and underfed animals with no room to rage trees moving northward seas shoreward peace in short supply greed in abundance Too little had been done about Haiti Sudan Detroit the swirling island of debris in the Pacific the rise of narcissism the squandering of solar power Hope was in foreclosure And then a man in New York torn by eviction in a cold spell jumped from his ninth floor apartment landing on piles of trash in the street saved by the city’s frozen promises Circus bears on a broken train in Siberia fell into hibernation their trainers waking them with black tea and chocolate but they were too sleepy to perform When the cold rains come to the Valley the heart you give will keep me warm all day If this is the end I want you next to me I will fall no further than to you
—Previously appeared in Colere (Coe College, Iowa, 2012 edition); republished here by author’s permission
* Publisher’s Note: In August 1914, English poet Rupert Brooke made this famous remark to a friend after hearing that war had been declared. Details in “Rupert Brooke’s Life” at
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