KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 12: Summer 2019
Haibun Story: 103 words
Climate Crisis


by Tony Steven Williams

Deep in a dark Namibian cavern, huge eggs sit in a cluster as they have done for eons. The roar of a lion echoes briefly. Through the jagged mouth of the cave, a waxing gibbous moon faintly illuminates one of the thick black shells.

Many eggs stir, as they do more often now that the years grow warmer, vibrating softly before returning to rest. As each foetus briefly wakes, its brain charges up a little more, sparked by instinctive visions of flight, fire, hunting and gorging. Their growing bodies push ever harder.

it’s heating up
hush, tread quietly
don’t wake the dragons


—Prose portion of this haibun story was published previously in a slightly different version in SpeckLit (March 2016).

Tony Steven Williams
Issue 12, Summer 2019

is a poet, short-story writer, and song composer living in Canberra, Australia with his artist wife, Arlene. He has had many stories and poems published online, in print, and on the radio. The short form really appeals to Tony because so much can be said or written in minimal space and time. Key is to convey meaning and emotion, to relate to his audience with rhythm and imagery, to touch their minds and their hearts. His first poetry collection, Sun and Moon, Light and Dark, was published by Ginninderra Press in September, 2018.

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