KYSO Flash ™
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
August 2018by Scott Ferry
Photo-poem (verses and photograph) copyrighted This week is supposed to hit 95 but the pall of smoke wraps the cedars and cottonwoods above my daughter’s school in a net of exhaust. The kids have to remain inside, sweltering, like what we thought nuclear winter may look like in the ’80s, or a great plague, locusts of ash consuming pine and chaparral and sage across five states. Why can’t we go swimming in the outdoor pool? she asks. The answer will not be available until the rain comes, I think. I take her anyway, and all the photos near the Puget Sound look cinnamon as October, as we watch the sun blur into the edge of the world like cooked blood.
Scott FerryIssue 12, Summer 2019
helps our veterans heal as an RN. In previous lives he taught high school and practiced acupuncture. He has recent writing in Cultural Weekly, Swimming with Elephants, Slippery Elm, and Noble/Gas Qtrly, among others. His first collection, The only thing that makes sense is to grow, will be published by Moon Tide Press in early 2020. Poet’s website: |
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