KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
Issue 11: Spring 2019
Poem: 73 words


by Melanie Dunbar
It’s me 
who clings to winter 
when the river takes you south 

Suicide by waiting season, 
by alcohol, 
at the top of a jack pine 

Suicide by red sash 
I plant dead ash woods 
allow myself January 

in one day 

It’s me who clings 
to winter, a paddle frozen 
to the gunwales 

It’s me who drowns 
for your canoe 

I plant the shore 
me, who drowns in air 


Melanie Dunbar
Issue 11, Spring 2019

tends flowers for a living. She writes her best poetry while weeding someone else’s garden. Her poems can be found in Sweet: A Literary Confection, Gargoyle, and elsewhere. She lives in Southwest Michigan with her family and their rooster, Mr. Beautiful.

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