My freshman year in college, in Psychology 101, our professor prompted us to debate the question: Is humanity basically good or basically evil? Today, I’m still not sure I have the answer.
holocaust museum—
the emptiness filling
display case shoes
is a graduate of Indiana State University (M.A. English and Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction/English) and National University (M.F.A. Creative Writing). Her first collections of poetry and fiction, The Meaning of Life and The Frog King, were published by Cyberwit Press, and her second poetry collection, The Darkroom, by Prolific Press. Her poems have appeared in Abyss & Apex, Codex, Blueline, Frogpond, Specs, Yarn Review, Matter Press, and other venues. Awards for poetry include First Place in the Caribbean Kigo Kukai Contest, First Place in Cattails Samurai Haibun Contest, and First Prize (Haiku for Betty category) in Ohio Poetry Day 2017. Ms. Cates lives in Ohio with her two beautiful kitties and teaches education and English online, including graduate courses in creative writing.
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