KYSO Flash
Knock-Your-Socks-Off Art and Literature
“Flash isn’t a fad, it’s an art; and while I hope people can have fun with it, its pursuit should still be taken seriously.”
— Tara L. Masih, editor of Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction
News: 5 Sept. 2019

2019 Best of the Net Nominations

With gratitude to these fine writers for publishing with us, we are pleased to announce our nominations for the Best of the Net Anthology, 14th annual edition:




Best-of-luck wishes to each of these nominees!

Sundress Publications will announce the winners and finalists with the release of the 2019 Best of the Net Anthology early next year.

For information about the participant qualifications, please see 2019 Submission Guidelines.

Follow these links to see our nominations for previous editions:

2018 Best of the Net

2017 Best of the Net

2016 Best of the Net

2015 Best of the Net

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